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Store hours: 10 AM-4 PM Wednesday through Saturday
Sundays 10 AM-3 PM
Closed major holidays

We are accepting quilt donations for victims of the Eaton (Altadena) Fire.

The Sew N Sew is a collection spot for any quilts you may like to donate to help the people affected by this tragic event.


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We ship anywhere in the continental US and Hawaii.

  Be sure to check calendar for any updates on hours.

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Brother: Quilting Foot (SA165)

Genuine Brother® Accessory. Decorative narrow hemmer foot for picot hem finishes. Picot foot looks similar to narrow hemmer foot but is designed to create a shell look edge on lightweight fabric. Grooved soleplate for picot stitch formation. Cone shaped feet channel for edge finishing.

XL5340, XL5130, CS100T, PE-300S, XL-3100, XL5232, PE-400D, CE-4000, CE5000PRW, CE5500PRW, CE8080PRW, CS5055PRW, CE7070PRW, SC9500, CE1100PRW, CS8800PRW, CE4400, BC-1000, CP6500, CP7500, CS-6000, CS-6000B, CS6000i, CS6000T, CS8072, Designio DZ3000, DreamCreator™ VQ2400, DreamCreator™XE VM5100, DreamWeaver™ VQ3000, DreamWeaver™ XE VM6200D, Duetta® 2 4750D, Duetta® 4500D, ES2000, EX660, HE-120, HE-240, HS2000, HS2500, Innov-ís 1000, Innov-ís 1200, Innov-ís 1250D, Innov-ís 1500D, Innov-ís 2500D, Innov-ís 2800D, Innov-ís 40, Innov-ís 4000D, Innov-ís 80, Innov-ís 900D, Innov-ís 950D, Innov-is 990D, Innov-is NQ1300PRW, Innov-is NQ3500D, Innov-is NQ700PRW, Innov-is NQ900PRW, Isodore® Innov-ís 5000, Laura Ashley Innov-is NX800, Laura Ashley® PC660LA, LB6770, LB6770 PRW, LB6800PRW, LB6800THRD, NX200, NX250, NX400, NX-400Q, NX450, NX600, NX650Q, PC-210, PC210PRW, PC2800, PC3000, PC-420, PC420PRW, PC6000, PC6500, PC-7000, PC-7500, PC-8200, PC-8500D, Project Runway Limited Edition Innov-ís 40e, Project Runway Limited Edition Innov-ís 85e, PS-2200, PS-2300, PS-2500, QC1000, Quattro® 2 6700D, Quattro® 3 Trilogy Limited Edition Innov-ís 6750D, Quattro® NV6000D, SE270D, SE350, SE400, SE425, Simplicity SB3129, Simplicity SB4138, Simplicity SB700T, Simplicity SB7500, The Dream Machine XV8500D, ULT-2001, ULT-2002D, ULT2003D, VX1435, XR4040, XR1355